Sunday, April 22, 2012

Portfolio task 4

Most people think that a sense of competition in children should be helping them. Others believe that children who study to cooperate rather than compete become more useful in future. In this essay I will discuss both these views.
          First of all, it us useful to raise children to be competitive; it’s good for life to give maximum ability to think for something in both school and work. And this competition can make challenges with other people. If the children and other persons don’t improve themselves and achieve difficult goals, there will be no human progress. So the competition can help him in many things like in sports, medicine and many other areas, where the desire to compete with others is normal and healthy.
          On the other hand, it is also important to learn some cooperation and help the other people. It is a competitive world, so we need to stay alive and defy the odds but also we need some help from others at some point in our lives. When we help someone, it makes us better and proud of ourselves. The cooperation is an important thing in our life, so we can do better when we get some help like some ideas from others.
          Overall, if we want to be successful we must make a balance between competition and cooperation.

Portfolio task 3

Some people think a balanced diet is important and healthy; the others think that it is important for our life but not healthy all the time. A balanced diet is healthy but most people don’t know about it, so in this essay I will write some advantages and disadvantages about a healthy diet.
          First of all, let’s talk about some advantages. As we know the good health comes from a good body, if we want a good body; we must eat healthy food. But if we eat something more than we need we will be fat. There are many health clubs but not all are good; some of them only want money. Also we can do it by ourselves. If someone wants to make a diet he must make a balance between food and exercise to maintain blood pressure and save the percentage of sugar to give power for his body.
          On the other hand, most people only follow a diet without knowing what will happen in the future. If we don’t balance between diet and exercise we will not have a healthy body even if we get a nice body.
          Overall, I agree with people who know about the importance of balanced healthy food and exercise, because it will help in the future.