Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Protfolio Task 2

The bar chart shows the main reason for study among students of different age groups and the amount of support they received from employers in the UK. This report will analyze the important information.
First of all, the important reason for students to study is to improve their career. Now let’s talk about people younger than 26; the percentage was 80%. Then it decreased to 70% between 26 and 29 years old. It continued decreasing to 19% for those over 49. Now let’s move to the second reason which is interest. As we can see the higher percentage was 70% for those over 49 years old and the lowest was 10% for students who are under 26.
The employer support by age group dropped just over 30% for those aged 30-39. Then it increased dramatically from 33% to 44% for those over 49 years old.
Overall, the youngest age group studies over mainly for career reasons and this group also receive the most support.  

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